Secrets Of A Prosperity Mindset

YouTube Preview ImageIn This Training Dean Mitzel presents the fundamentals of Creating a Prosperity Mindset or Consciousness.

You Will Learn How To Choose Your Focus Wisely, That You Have The Power To Control Your Responses To Life Situations, and That You Must, If You’re Committed To A More Prosperous Future.

You’ll Discover How To Choose Empowering Language More Consciously, over Dis-Empowering Language and why it’s an absolute must as well.

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About Dean William Mitzel
I have spent the last 18 years experiencing Free Enterprise and I am a full time entrepreneur. I love people and enjoy connecting with them and teaching sales and marketing skills. I spent over 4 years traveling the country and the world collaborating with some of the most respected and knowledgeable sales, marketing, and personal growth speakers and trainers. I had the opportunity to connect with and empower many sharp professional entrepreneurs. Currently, I focus my energy on sharing tools and training to assist the home business professional to excel in their own enterprise. I enjoy connecting and would like to hear from you and all about what you do.


  1. you can’t control what happens but you can control how you react to it is a powerful statement and at the end getting my butt in gear prospecting! just 30 minutes a day and i can surely stop and do that. If I want to be in business I have to learn to be positive and put my best foot forward. The guy you used for examples in the beginning were awesome. What a guy!

  2. Awesome one of the best webinars I have ever seen!!

  3. Lisa Cosby says:

    Dean, you are the most positive influence anyone could
    attain to have in their life! In just the few minutes after watching
    this video, I immediately became acutely aware of my
    speech. I agree with being mindful of words and there impact.
    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!!

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